Maritime & Coast Guard Investigation Services 

Did your company have a vessel accident, worker injury, or deficiencies in a Coast Guard Inspection?

Leathers & Associates has staff with extensive experience of over 18 years as a merchant marine security officer to assist you and your attorney in finding the facts, evidence surrounding a vessel or environment accidents, maritime security, worker injury, missing cargo, background checks, due diligence of the vessel, and policies and procedure revisions and to assist you.


maritime accident or injury investigation

Leathers & Associates Can Help with Maritime  Investigations

maritime coast guard rules accidents injury

A private investigator can play a crucial role in a maritime investigation by using their skills, experience, and resources to gather evidence and information related to maritime incidents or activities. Here are some ways in which a private investigator can assist in a maritime investigation:

Accident Investigations: If there has been a maritime accident, such as a collision, grounding, or sinking of a vessel, a private investigator can conduct a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the incident. They may examine physical evidence, review navigational logs, interview witnesses, and reconstruct the events leading up to the accident.

Missing Persons at Sea: In cases of missing persons at sea, a private investigator can assist in locating the missing individuals by collaborating with authorities and search and rescue teams.

Cargo Theft or Loss: Private investigators can look into cases of cargo theft, damage, or loss during maritime transportation. They may identify potential suspects, gather evidence.

Insurance Fraud: If there are suspicions of fraudulent insurance claims related to maritime incidents, a private investigator can conduct surveillance and gather evidence to verify the legitimacy of the claims.

Background Checks: Before entering into maritime business partnerships or transactions, individuals or companies may hire a private investigator to conduct background checks on potential partners, employees, or contractors to ensure their credibility and reliability.

Vessel Due Diligence: When purchasing or chartering a vessel, a private investigator can help perform due diligence on the vessel’s history, ownership, maintenance records, and compliance with maritime regulations.

Illegal Activities and Smuggling: Private investigators can assist in uncovering illegal activities such as drug smuggling, human trafficking, or illegal fishing operations by gathering intelligence, conducting surveillance, and collaborating with law enforcement.

Maritime Security: Private investigators can evaluate and assess the security measures in place on vessels and in port facilities to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend improvements.

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Environmental Incidents: In cases of maritime environmental incidents, such as oil spills or pollution, private investigators can help determine the responsible parties, assess the extent of the damage, and gather evidence for legal proceedings.

Intellectual Property Theft: Investigating cases of piracy or unauthorized use of proprietary maritime technology or designs to protect the intellectual property rights of maritime companies.

Private investigators skilled in maritime investigations often have specialized knowledge of maritime laws, regulations, and industry practices, making them valuable assets when it comes to uncovering the truth and resolving complex maritime-related issues.

Speak with a Maritime Investigations Expert Now